Tuesday, March 26, 2019

#AtoZChallenge Theme 2019 Reveal

It is that time of year where I gear up for the A-Z Blog Challenge. It is an annual challenge every April where 1000+ people blog about a variety of things. This year is the 10th year of the challenge. Wow! 

I have blogged for several years this challenge and I am excited to join in again. I will attempt two blogs again, although last year, I did not do so well. You can find the link to my "Reading Authors" blog on the side bar. Please do visit there too.

For this blog, I decided to do a photo a day based on the letter of the day. This is a switch for me as in the past few years I have done music. I thought for the 10th Anniversary, it would be a nice change of pace.  

Please join in this year if you want to. You can join HERE.

I will try to visit as I can, especially commentators. I do have a full time job and doing two blogs but I will do my best!

Happy reading and Happy April!