Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Time On Monday's Music Moves Me...#MondaysMusicMovesMe

Hey, it's Monday and I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather and Summer time fun. My family and I hit the beach this past weekend and boy was it fun! We also got to see hydroplane boat racing which was really cool.

Of course, it is always cool to hang out with my musical buds and co-host the 4M's. You know us, the captain, Xmas Dolly, and co-captains, Callie, Stacy, and myself. We are ready to hit the dance floor.

This week we are dancing with the theme Summer time songs or those that remind us of Summer. So, get your flip-flops flapping and let's go! Don't forget to link up below.

First up: This group I have actually seen live. It was for some Summer 4th of July series. Their outfits are totally classic for their look and make me squeal to hear that baritone/bass voice.

Next up: This awesome gal singer and great guitarist mashup just oozed Summer but especially when they were at Woodstock! Both talented artist were squelched too soon.

Finally: This singer is know world wide for his voice and songs. Here he sings about falling in love in the Summer and hoping it is more than just Summer love. 
This song is new to me and I love it, especially that rockin' beat!

I loved this duo back in the 1990's. The main singer has gone on to be well know for his movies and his singing too. I just had to add this one in for some fun and to round up my Summer musical selections.

I will be around soon! Don't forget to link up! ~Naila Moon


stevebethere said...

Good choices Naila especially Justin Timberlake's Summer Love
Have a tanfastic week ahead & hope your behaving yourself LOL :-)

csuhpat1 said...

Great choices.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Janis Joplin had a unique sound, didn't she? Many of today's artists lack a signature style like some of the oldies. Thanks for the dance, Michelle. Have a summertastic week!

<a href="“>Monday Mewzik & Mewzings</a>

XmasDolly said...

Did I ever tell you I have danced with Bowser of the Sha Na Na & we talked half the night too. He's actually a very nice man. Anyway thanks for the dance you have definitely rocked the house. ROCK ON GIRLFRIEND...