Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Milk, Aliens and Why I Have Not Written In Four Days

Here it is, already day 5 and I have written only one day out of the 30. Do I have an excuse? Of course, I do!

You see, it is like this; I was on the way to the grocery store to get some milk. I mean, my gosh, I wanted cereal for breakfast and had no milk. 

So anyway, there I was in the milk aisle when all of a sudden this alien with grayish-green skin was looking at the milk. I am thinking, what does an alien need with milk. He or she (frankly I don't know the difference) says nothing to me just looking forward at the milk.

All of a sudden, I see this flash of light, you know the kind where the sun is in your face? Yeah, that kind. It was unbelievably bright. I was thinking maybe the store refrigerator light exploded in my eyes or something. It was totally weird.

The next thing I know, I am sitting it this greenish plastic recliner. It seemed like a throwback to the 70's color green. I was leaning back all comfortable like but I could not move! I wasn't strapped down or anything so I could not figure it out.

All of sudden I see this same alien. I asked him where I was and how did I get here?

He says, "Bloop blod keeperscud roger pug smap took."

Now since I did not have my alien translator with me as I left it in my other jeans, I had not a clue what he/she was saying.

I replied, "Huh?"

The alien starts flailing his or her hands (I think they were hands) around in some sort of alien sign language. I got the gist I was on his or her ship and that I was being studied. Or at least I think that is what was meant.

All I remember is seeing a spaghetti bowl with wires coming out of it being attached to my head. I was given some sort of drink that looked very much like Kool-Aid or Mad Dog20/20. Maybe it was both. I don't know, it tasted good. Then I was out.

I started dreaming of rainbows and unicorns and romps through the river of tulips. Wow, that was a far-out dream!

Next thing I know, I am in my kitchen, pouring milk into my cereal bowl. I wasn't really sure how I got there exactly. I also had some plastic sticky star stuck to my forehead. 

All I truly know is that it was four days later and it is now September 5th.

Michelle aka Naila Moon

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