Monday, October 1, 2018

31 Days of #Halloween Music #MondaysMusicMovesMe #CryptKeeper

Hello everyone and welcome all Crypt Keepers to my blog. As in years past, October is the time of year when I spin the tunes of all things Halloween. This year is no different.
As it turns out, since it is Monday's Music Moves Me, the gals are having a freebie day. Whoot!

So, let's start out with a few fun tunes for the 2018 Halloween season.

Let's start off with...a spell? From Screamin' Jay Hawkins...

Watch out as the days go by because the living dead have arrived.

All for now...make sure you link up!
Michelle, Crypt Keeper


Cathy Kennedy said...


What a coincidence, Marie was asking a few days ago had I heard from you and then you stopped by to dance with me! I'm glad you're okay but just needed a bit of a break. I can relate to that one for sure. I'm feeling the toll of blogging just a bit. I can't bring myself to step away, though. I might have to force myself to do that in the coming months, though. :)

It looks like you gotta a whole lot of scary fun going on here this month. I can't even believe it's October already. How did this happen?

Screamin' Jay Hawkins is NOT new-to-me and I love his original of "I Put a Spell on You". The Cramps I've heard of but not this song, "Surfin' Dead" . Great "freebie" song choices for the 4M gang to boogie to, my friend. Have a pAwesome week and thanks for sharing the dance floor with me! ;)

Kim (The ReInVintaged Life) said...

I loved BOTH of your selections for this week - I am currently compiling an ultimate Halloween playlist for future Music Monday. Don't forget to include "Black No. 1" in your 31 Days at some point!

<a href="'>Kim</a>

Michele at Angels Bark said...

Hi Michelle,
This is a fun post! Surfin' Dead is new to me. I love gettin' a spell cast by Jay Hawkins...Screamin' he sure be! :)
Fun stuff here!
Stop by if you get a chance. The week is going by so fast...

Michele at Angels Bark

bookworm said...

Wow. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - and yes, well worth its inclusion in the Rock n'roll Hall of Fame. For the longest time I never realized the CCR version was a cover. And the Cramps, whom I discovered not that long ago. Perfect for Halloween. Alana