Sunday, October 7, 2018

Monday's #Music Moves Me In A Snap! #CryptKeeper #Halloween

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Welcome back to my spook-tacular blog. It is time for Monday's Music Moves Me with those fab-boo-less ghouls, Xmas Dolly, Cathy, Alana, Callie, and Stacy. 

Today they have a theme but as you know, I am posting Halloween music so, I try to incorporate their themes with my spooky music. It so happens, their theme this week is "Snaps or Clap." I am working on the theme of witches.

What better way to incorporate my first song that with the snaps of Morticia.

This next song does not meet my theme per se but for sure the 4M's and still keeping with the overall Halloween theme. I do love a good light show. This is appropriately called, "Handclap"

Make sure you link up your music with the 4M gals and tune in tomorrow as I continue on with my daily Halloween musical postings.  Don't forget to leave me a comment too.

Your Crypt Keeper,
Michelle aka Naila Moon  


Cathy Kennedy said...


"The Adams Family" crossed my mind as a possibility for today but I stirred from it because it is more of Halloween themed song. This is a good month for your song selection and it's always great fun to hear it. It makes me think of my childhood and how much I enjoyed watching the program. :) The light show is cool and I can't believe I overlooked using Fitz & the Tantrums' "Handclap" song. So, glad you included on the dance floor. Thanks for partying with the 4M gang!

DrillerAA said...

The Addams Family never even crossed my mind and we're almost to Halloween. Oh well, you thought of it and that's all that counts. Have a blessed week.

XmasDolly said...

Well, a little mixture is awesome. Hi honey I'm back... luvin' your choices... tryin' to visit as many as I can so for now I'm sayin' great job & have a great week!

Michele at Angels Bark said...

Hi Michelle,
EXCELLENT pick with the finger snaps in the Addams Family theme song! I never even gave that a thought and it is perfect for your Halloween theme.

The Halloween light show is cool. I was just introduced earlier to Fitz and the Tantrums' "Handclap" --- I love it!!! I'm listening to it here on your site for the second time....and dancin' a little bit too. :) GREAT song.

Thanks for playing along with my theme. Hope you enjoyed it.

Michele at Angels Bark

John Holton said...

When the first video started with "Season 1," I had to check and see if there was more than one season (there was, and I swear, the open is practically the same). Good picks!

bookworm said...

That light show was fantastic, and the song was new to me. Dancing to it now! Just perfect for so many reasons!! Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

Love your Halloween influence on the theme! You rocked it! :) Thanks so much for the dance! :)