Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday's Music Moves Me 1980's Style! #music #MondaysMusicMovesMe

Hello my musical people! It is I, Naila Moon, here to bring you some rockin' tunes for Monday's Music Moves Me. You know this meme is hosted by that hip chick, Xmas Dolly and co-hosted by Stacy, Colette, and yours truly. Let's boogie, shall we?

This week we have a theme chosen by our spotlight dancer, Sounds Like Life To Me! She chose 1980's music which is right up my alley because I can say, I was an '80's kid! Whoot!

First up: He was the King of the 1980's, none other than Michael Jackson! In this great song of 1983 and #1 hit, he and another familiar face, Sir Paul McCartney sang their second duet. This video also cameo'd two other familiar faces. Can you tell me who they were? :)

Next: This smooth singer just knew how to woo the ladies. In this video he is in love with  his student and the suggestion is it was mutual. Hmm...well, I suppose that was not cool, especially today. Even in 1983, it was a bit of an eye opener and caught attention. I give you Lionel Ritchie.

Finally: This group, with singer George Michael, made this hit in 1984 after a note left by one of the bands parents. The song as you might imagine has nothing to do with making sure to check in. *wink*  Here is Wham!

Next week is a freebie week. I promise to post female singers next week! ~Naila Moon


XmasDolly said...

You have really posted the favorites for sure! You've ROCKED the house!!! That George Michael was surely hot in his day wasn't he! Woo Hoo! Paul McCartney and MJ... totally forgot about that tune & I thought it was so cool! Wasn't that his first wife in that video? They were such the perfect couple... Great tunes my friend! ROCK ON!

John Holton said...

Good choices!

Colette S said...

Oh how I love and enjoy all these tunes!
I guess I'm an 80s kid too :)

Have a fun week Naila!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Michelle, you can't help to think Michael Jackson when you think of the 80s. He was king of POP music for that decade. I loved Lionel Ritchie from his dance hits to his love songs!I really didn't follow George Michael's much, but I liked his biggest hits. You pulled out some fabulous artists and tunes from the disco era!

Stacy Uncorked said...

All excellent choices of one of my favorite decades of music, Naila! Nicely done! :)

We Will Rock You Sweet Child O’ Mine with Bohemian Rhapsody so Jump because You Give Love A Bad Name