2. The main reason I waited until today to grace you with my thoughts *grins* is because today is the last day for my aunt to have chemo. It is a celebration for her today and as many of you have been following my thoughts about her, I wanted to share the celebration with you too! If you have not seen the video Tamirisc and I made, check it out below.
3. I also thought you would like to see a photo taken of her ringing that bell. (Note this is not my photo since I could not be there.)
4. Sooooo for other things happening...summer college from hell continued on in to this week. I don't know if I told you or not but the paper I had written for Baseball History was not accepted by the professor. He told me that I had to revamp it and the kicker being that it had to be in by tomorrow because grades are due. Could I send it via e-mail? Oh nooooooo! It had to be sent to his house (again) and of course this time I had to overnight it. That meant more money out of my pocket! Gah!!!! All this for an elective credit.
5. Rush starts next Monday which means all the new freshmen and their parents will be hitting the book store, not to mention all the returning students. (Did I tell you our store serves 3 colleges?)
That is not too bad really because I like staying busy. What is kinda bad this go around is it seems they have hired some complete morons to work with those of us that have been here for a while. I will be amazed if they make it through the first day of rush, more/less 2 weeks of it.
6. Today I found a couple of web sites which excited me. These web sites were for those of us that actually like getting good mail and not all the junk that floods our mailboxes. I do include bills in with the junk. (hee hee) What is exciting to me too is getting to use my new pens and meeting new people! Here are the sites if you want to join in. Oh My Darling Pen Pals & World Post Pen Pals
7. As if that was not cool enough, I then came across a gal who was having a prize give-a-way. Of all the things she was giving away it happened to be postcards!!! Here is her link: NYT Post card give away
I am adding her button too.
8.Lately, here at Condo Lane we have been having some amazing skies here in the evening. I wanted to share this one with you as it looked like the sky was on fire. This was from last night.
See what I mean? I am looking out tonight and it is gorgeous tonight too.
9. Good grief, I just forgot what I was going to write for my thought #9! Oh well, on to #10!
10. Tamirisc and I are considering a new "baby" for the family. She should be arriving in about a week or so. Stay tuned because we are sure to post some pictures of her. We are "adopting" her from the neighbor below us who is leaving and wants her to live with nice people. ;)
Until next time...peace,
Naila Moon
That sky looks amazing!!
Congratulations on everything, all of your accomplishments, etc., but mostly this is for sending my best to your aunt, concerning the treatment. Gerry
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