Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday and A Song

Hello everyone and Happy July 4th to those of us in the states.
As today happens to also fall on my thankful Thursday post, I bet you can guess what I am most thankful for today.

Even with all the problems our country has faced over the past few years and some that continue today, I prefer to live in this country more than anywhere in the world. There are many things that make this country great.

I love its parks, its beauty, the monuments, the history and many other things in between. Most of all, I love that we are a free society. We may argue and fuss but we have that right to do so. We have the right to say what we think and feel but at the same time, with that given right we need to show respect to those others of us that do not agree with us. Even still, we all live in the same country and out freedoms is what makes us great. We need to remember that.

So, today, I am grateful for being born and living in the USA, to be free and to those who served and are serving to keep us that way.

Link up below and I will come visit. Happy 4th!

Peace, Naila Moon

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