Saturday, March 28, 2015

Song-Suasion...3/28/15 #music

It is Saturday Song-suasion time. I am hanging out with my blogger pal, Cathy who hosts this shin-dig. Go by and tell her hello.

Today I thought I would dig around in my music Pinterest board to see what popped out at me. As it turns out two songs did but one stood out over the other.

I suppose today's song someone out there in the Blogsphere just needs to hear today.
So, sit back, relax and have  great day!

~Naila Moon


Cathy Kennedy said...

I'm chillaxing this fine cool spring afternoon with you, my friend. What a beautiful new-to-me song! Thanks for sharing it with me and for joining the #music fun on Saturday Songsausaion! ;)

XmasDolly said...

Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto! Luvin' the new-to-me tune also! Feels like I'm just a chillin' here diggin' the melody of some fine tunage. Tanks honey I'm goin' with the flow! heehehehe