Saturday, December 17, 2011

Advent week 3 and 4

Here I am on the cusp of another week of advent and I have not even given my thoughts for week three. Week three is supposed to represent the week of JOY.

I wish that I could say I have had a lot of it this Christmas season but the fact is, I haven't or at least very little of it. As I mentioned in previous post I have missed my Grandma and Dad so much that it has clouded my mind somewhat. 

However, having said that, I still have found glimmers or joy. One of them was last night.  My husband, grand-daughter, son, and daughter-in-law, all went to see the Christmas lights at two different places.  They were all beautiful. Seeing the look in my grand-daughters eyes and the awe in my sons brought me such joy.  It reminded me that joy comes in the littlest things and to remember to look for them always.

Which brings me to week four...LOVE

I was watching a movie the other night. I think it was the Christmas Box and the main character was asked the following question: What was the first present of Christmas?

The answer was a child. 

This photo I took at Our Lady of the Snows

Seriously, what more could be said than that? Christmas is about a child that came in to the world to give the ultimate and that was love. Remembering that makes everything worth while.

Peace...Naila Moon

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