Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 10...2011 in review

Well, it is late Thursday but I am still in it enough time to do the last Top 10 for the year. Of course this is hosted by none other than Beth Z. 
from A Work In Progress. This time around she asks:What are the top 10 best things of 2011?

  1. Discovering for myself just how far I can be stretched without breaking. (Note: Seriously, I will not do that again.)
  2. Music, music, music
  3. Truly who my real friends are.
  4. Reaffirmation that my families' love for each other is our greatest strength.
  5. Being with my entire family in over 20+ years.
  6. Participating in what true forgiveness feels like.
  7. Living in peace with my Dad before he passed and being there when he and Grandma did pass over.
  8. Laughter
  9. Seeing the tiny miracles that continued to occur even when I thought I could take no more in life.
  10. Spending such precious time with my grand-daughter.

Peace...Naila Moon

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