Friday, May 11, 2012

A-Z Follow-up/Reflections

The A-Z Challenge team asked those of us that did the challenge to reflect our thoughts and feelings about the overall experience. The team said we could express it any way we wanted.Ok!

Then check this out!


Unknown said...

The first vlog reflection I came across---thanks for this post!

If you'd like to guest vlog for us over at , let AZ co-host Tina know at 2012AZinfo at gmail dot com.

#atozchallenge host 2012

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Cool! That might be fun! I will e-mail her right away!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Thanks for coming by Betty and "meeting" me. Hope you come back again.

EvalinaMaria said...

Congratulation on finishing the challenge. I didn't visit all blogs during the challenge but, cross my heart, I'm visiting every single one with reflection post! I am so glad my journey brought me here.

Evalina, This and that...

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Well, thanks Evalina for coming by. It was certainly tough to get through to everyone.
~Naila Moon