Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mondays Music on Tuesday...Year 2011

Spotlight Dancers

Well, here we are near the end of 2011. Whoa what a year it has been! I can honestly say, I do not care to go through another year like this one EVER again. I miss my family members so much and the pains of other things that occurred this year was well...almost too much.

Thinking about this past year and the fact it is Music Monday (on Tuesday) because I got lazy and didn't post, because I was extremely busy I didn't post and that the theme is New Year songs or best in review;  I thought I would share this first video that says it all.

So many people lost loved ones this year (including our head conductor Xmas Dolly) but this song has spoken to me so strongly I had to share it.

I found another that I think speaks to the heart:

And yet another:

My wish for all of you is to love those that are here with you as much as you can, find peace in your hearts and to know, we are all in this world together and we are not alone.

Peace...Naila Moon


Mark Paul said...

Great selections, especially I'll stand by you. This has always been a favorite, since the Pretenders did it back in the early 1990's.

Fantastic songs to end this year with.

Colette S said...

I"ll be praying for a wonderful 2012 for you!

Great music choices.

Thank you so much for linking up with us! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Enjoy the rest of the year!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful selections for the end of the year. Thank you for always playing along with us each week, your support is appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful 2012 filled with love and music, can't wait to see your selections next year.
