Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quick note before the scheduled t-minus 2 hours MST.

My hubby and I got a surprise present for a trip to see my Mother for Christmas. I have not seen her for 5 months.  That is where I write this message from now.

I am just letting you know between now and about January 8th, I will sparsely be on line but may pre-post. I dunno but I am putting Featured Faces on hold until then.

Just in case though, I should mention that in less than 2 hours the world is supposed to end. As I do not believe a lick of that, I have decided to move in to the closest mansion that leaves and claim all of their stuff. For those of you that do believe, I wish you good luck with all that and nice of you to have followed me up until this point.

For the rest of you, I will see you again at the next go around and thanks for following me as well.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Naila Moon


Rebecca said...

have a Merry Christmas

Linda said...

How wonderful!!! Have a nice visit with your mother! I had a Christmas party last night and since the world was going to end I thought it wouldn't matter if I got picked up for DUI .....but I didn't drink anyway.
Merry Christmas!!!

Adaptable Kay said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy and healthy New Year! :)

XmasDolly said...

YOU HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR MAMA IN 5 MONTHS????? DANG GIRL! Did you smother her with smooches & hugs??? Bet you did! Did you two cry? Bet you did... sniff sniff... dats so bootiful!!! sniff sniff MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS MY FRIEND! I HOPE IT'S THE BEST EVER! WOO HOO!!! WHILE you're out there basking in the sun I'm here freezing my butt off & this broad is still casing me! I swear I'm going to bitch slap her!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Okay I'm calm! I'll be nice! Anyway you & the hubby have great fun with Mommy! WOO HOO!!!! HO HO HO & A Very Healthy, & Prosperous & Happy New Year! hiccup.....