Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday/Halloween Day 10

Hello everyone. I am sorry I am a bit late but I have been under the weather. My throat feels like it is on fire and I am achy and downright cold.

However, this is Thursday and the day I take time out to be thankful.
What is that you say? How can I feel thankful when I feel so yucky?

Well, the truth is, there is always something to be grateful for.
Today, I am most grateful for my husband who has bundled me up on the couch in a nice warm blanket, put socks on my feet, and made me some hot tea with honey. That is love right there!

I went several years of having to take care of myself when I was sick and it is nice to have someone around to pamper me a bit.  Truly, grateful!

As always, leave me a comment and I will come visit.
Day 10 of Halloween Countdown:

I am just going to share an interview with you that I recently did with author Michael Phillip Cash.
He is a thriller writer and is getting ready to come out with a new book shortly.
Check out the interview HERE.

See you tomorrow.
Naila Moon


LA Botchar said...

ahh, I do hope you feel better. and good job hubby taking care of her!
my 3 all woke up with coughs yesterday, and it's the Thanksgiving holiday here in Canada this weekend. I hope they don't get too sick, but at least they have 4 days at home to rest.

Lucy said...

Feel better soon, nothing worse than getting nasty a cold ( I hope that is all it is) but you are right, it is nice to have someone around that loves you and will pamper you through it :)

XmasDolly said...

Ten points for the Hubby! Way ta go, but you... no time to be sick with all the holidays coming. You need to get rid of that bug ASAP! Have a great weekend & get better soon.