Hi everyone, as I mentioned a few weeks back, I need to return to some of the reasons why I originally started blogging without completely revamping again.
One of the things I did was Ten Thoughts Tuesday, which I am so not doing...well, maybe once in awhile. Then I thought how about my Tuesday Topics?
Well, that did not fly to well.
Then I recently found a blogger who has Tuesday Coffee Chats. Now, I do not drink coffee (you don't have to) but I thought why not join in on chatting over a tall glass of water and have some fun.
It gets me back in to my thoughts processing and maybe meet some new gals/guys and familiar ones to boot.
So, thanks
Time Out For Mom for inviting me and the rest of us in.
She has topics to discuss so, if she does not mind (which I totally think she doesn't) I will blab along but also discuss her topics too. Got it? Good. Moving on.
Today over coffee or you name your own beverage here--->We are discussing the weird and the wonderful.
This is such an easy topic and it pertains to my husband and myself.
In a nutshell, he is weird and I am wonderful! Bwa ha ha ha
Ok, seriously, ummmm.....
So, if you don't know already, I live in the state where marijuana is legal. I will not say one way or the other what I think about that. I will say, I do not partake in case you were wondering.
Anyway, in less your head has been stuck in the sand, you will also know that part of this state has been underwater and lives were lost.
Well, just yesterday an event took place in Denver and Boulder to help those who may have lost their stash in the flood. Seriously!
An organization had two separate events giving out free marijuana to those who needed it. Organizers apparently felt those that have been flooded may need to mellow out awhile to have relief from the stress of the floods.
Well, I suppose that is one way to help the efforts. *rolls eyes*
My husband and I are not huge sports fans but we do like to watch the Denver Broncos play football. It is a time for us to sit back, take in some popcorn and have a nice time together while yelling at the TV. ha ha
My husband gets decked out in his orange crush t-shirt and I wear whatever and we just enjoy each others company. It is nice really because we are on the same page and I am not bored stiff with whatever else he usually watches, not to mention I usually cannot hear anyway. (For the record we have an old TV that simply will not play captions-ugh!)
Last night, Denver was playing the arch enemy The Raiders (boo hiss-sorry if you are a Raiders fan, I still like you anyway). It was Monday night football and of course ESPN was the host. All I got to say is Denver played top notch! They absolutely rolled over and booted the Raiders right on out of Colorado.
All in all, just wonderful!
~Naila Moon