Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday and A Song/Valentine's Day 2-14-2013

Here it is the big Valentine's Day. It also happens to be Thursday and another day to be thankful for the things of the week.

Although, I am not a huge Valentine's Day person (just ask Tamirisc), I am thankful for the loved ones I have.

Thankful for the love my parents had for each other, that I am here today.

Thankful for my children who make me laugh (and cry too) and thankful for my grand-children who are just simply precious.

Most of all today though, I am thankful for the  love of my Tamirisc.

Very recently, we have been going through a rough time with our extended families but side by side we are able to wade through this mud.  It makes it easier knowing that his love for me is sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane.

I make an effort to tell him that I love him everyday or at very least in my actions.

So, knowing that he will eventually read this...I LOVE YOU HONEY!
I am most grateful for you in my life. Thanks for loving me.
~Your wife, Naila Moon

1 comment:

XmasDolly said...

Awwww How sweet! Love the song. Haven't heard it in like forever! Thanks for sharing. I'll probably get my Post up in the morning.