Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Follow, Stuff and #100HappyDays Update... 5/30

Can you believe we are moving into the Summer? Geeze, time just seems to fly by. All those day I had wished it would hurry up...

Anyway, here it is another Friday and it is time to share and enjoy cyber friendship.  Last week I was busy and forgot to post so, I have two weeks worth of #100HappyDays for you.

What makes you happy?


XmasDolly said...

I love that song by Bob Marley too! That knew song is very catchy too with Happy. So happy you joined us. Have a great weekend! hugzzzzzz

LA Botchar said...

that song definitely makes me happy! And I think I'd be quite happy with the butter pecan ice cream too..... until I reached the bottom and then felt sick. ha!
We had lots of good times with friends this weekend -- 2 bonfire nights. Fireworks. Definite happy thoughts.