Sunday, October 14, 2018

Boo-ya! #MondaysMusicMovesMe #CryptKeeper #Halloween #music

Hello, you boo-tiful people! I am creeping out of the crypt today to hang out with a friend but before I do, I want to share Monday's Music Moves Me with you. I know it is Sunday but I am posting early so not to miss it.

Those fine creep-eeze...I mean the 4M's co-host this dance floor every Monday. You should know them by now: Xmas Dolly, Cathy, Stacy, Callie, and Alana are fabulous!
This week is a freebie week which is great for me as I spin the tunes of Halloween all month long. Make sure you link up below to follow along with others today.

This week I am beginning my homage to ghost or ghostly.
My first selection is from the well-known singer, Michael Jackson. This song, however, is not as well known for his repertoire. Here Michael is a ghost with epic dancing that he is so well-known for. Michael Jackson in "Ghost"

This last one I just had to add because the video is so ridiculous it made me laugh but this upbeat disco version of the song will be quite familiar. I give you the freaky ghosts of "Ghost Busters"!

See you this week with ghostly music and matters.

Your Crypt Keeper,
Michelle aka Naila Moon


Cathy Kennedy said...


Fun, fun, fun! Great mewsic to kick the week off and for the Halloween season. Yikes, can you believe it's the middle of October already? How on earth did that happen? *scratch head* Oh well...time waits for no one. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with us. Have a pAwesomely spooktacular week, my friend!

csuhpat1 said...

Very nice Halloween songs. Enjoyed them all.

John Holton said...

Good choices, both of them!

XmasDolly said...

These two are really great. Nice to see you here once again. Sorry still not up to par, so I have to cut this short. hugs

Stacy Uncorked said...

I love your style! That second video totally cracked me up! Thanks for the fun dance! :)

bookworm said...

Michael Jackson really knew the art of the video and the two horror videos I know of (Thriller and this one) are both fantastic works of art As for the Ghostbusters...hmmm, weird. Guess that's all part of Halloween. Alana

Colette S said...

I'm clueless about these but you are definitely in the creepeze :)

Michele at Angels Bark said...

I hadn't seen the Ghost video in a long time I forgot it so was nice to see it and hear the song again. Michael Jackson was certainly talented on so many fronts. I was channel surfing last night and there was some animated show on that featured Michael Jackson. I paused for a few minutes to give it a watch but it was the last 5 minutes so have no idea what it was about, but it was cute.

And your other video, the disco version of Ghost Busters, was fun!

Enjoy your Sunday,

Michele at Angels Bark