Tuesday, March 20, 2012

10 Thoughts Tuesday/March 20th/Spring Edition

The daughter and Grand-daughter trying on hats at Garden Ridge.
  1. Welcome to another addition of 10 thoughts Tuesday. Today would be the 1st Day of Spring 2012 edition! Whoooo.....
  2. Today was gorgeous outside. It did not rain a drop today and the clouds were simply gorgeous. I should have gone and played in a pond or something.
  3. Instead, I went shopping with my daughter and grand-daughter. We bought flip flops for the daughter. After all, it is flip flop season...always!
  4. I did get a massage today. A real massage. Oh, I was in heaven. I have needed one like in oh...four years! The best thing, it was free!
  5. Came home just before 7PM to watch the Biggest Loser while eating leftover corn beef and cabbage. Um....maybe not the greatest idea in the book.
  6. My family and I are gearing up to hold a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society's, Relay For Life. If you would like to donate on my behalf, I would so appreciate it.
  7. Our fundraiser will include massages, Zumba (lead by the Zumba Queen), tarot reads for entertainment purposes and trivia. We hope it does well because right now we have a goal of $1200 to raise before April 1st.
  8. Lofty goal but I think we can accomplish anything if we go for it.
  9. I am getting tired...drifting...drifting...splashes water on face...drifting...
  10. So, what did you do for the 1st day of Spring? Did you buy flip flops too? What kind or color if you did?
Happy Spring ya all,
Naila Moon

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