Thursday, January 17, 2013

Featured Friday/Aloha and Friends Friday 1/18/2013

Here is is, Friday, time does fly. Whoop..there it went.
Anyway, Friday is always a day to hop, hop, hop around the blogsphere and see what people are up to.  You also know that today I feature one of my happy followers. So, I want to get to that first.

Featured Faces

Introducing Lori of Escape with Dollycas. Make sure you go by her place and say hello. Check out all the books she is reading too. WOW!  Tell her I sent you.
Lori, do not forget to grab the button of my Grandma over there--->

Friendship Friday

This question of the week or theme is:Autobiography-tell a little about yourself and your blog. Bonus question: If you could read an Autobiography about anyone who would it be and why?

My answer:The shortest version is this...I am a mother of two grown kids and grandmother to two adorable grand-kids. One of which was just born Dec. 2012 and the other who is to turn 3 at the end of this month.
I married for the 2nd time in 2008 to my wonderful husband, Mark from the Man Cave. lol We married on Christmas Day.

I originally had oh 5 blogs (?). I still write on this one and two others.  This blog was originally a place to post my thoughts as I originally blogged on Yahoo 360 then Multiply and now here. The other two blogging sites shut down after much protest from the bloggers. My blog has grown in many different ways but there is always still room for growth as I am always growing. I do like to change things up every month to keep things fresh.

As far as what autobiography would I read? Well, I actually have read many people. I like the genre.
I have read (off the top of my head): Bill Cosby, Jerry Lewis, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg, Betty White and many more.

Aloha Friday/Anything Goes


My question of the week: If someone suddenly showed up at your door and handed you a check for $1 million, what would you do with it?

My answer: I would first pay off all my bills, set up a trust fund for my grand-kids, give a set amount to each of my kids, send some to my favorite charities (I have a few), and put a good amount in the bank and then go take a long vacation with my hubby. This vacation might even include visiting YOU! :)
When I returned, I would promptly move to our new place!

Make sure you come by on Saturday for Saturday Snaps, link up,  and see who's picture I am featuring.
~Naila Moon


XmasDolly said...

What would I do with a million bucks? Oh Lord, how much time do you have? hahaha I'd pay off all our bills including our house & then pay my kids houses off (except one we'd have to find him one). Then I'd get both my hubby & I a new car & then I'd build my hubby a Studio for his music & I'd build that seasonal room I want with a fireplace. Then give money to my church & then college funds for my grandkids. Then I'd be broke again! Easy come - Easy go! hahahaha

dollycas aka Lori said...

Wow, I am so flattered!! Thank you!!!

Colette S said...

Lori always has such interesting books to share!

$1million? I'd call the cops :)