Tuesday, April 10, 2012



In my 44 years of life, I have seen some unbelievably incredible places and things.  I was fortunate enough that my parents took three week vacations in the summer and traveled all over the country to show us things. Even though we were young, I remember the majority of all of it.  I suppose that is why I like to travel so much.

One of the most impressive things I got to see was the 1976 wagon train. My family and I, being from Missouri, signed the states wagon.
source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/remembering-a-bicentennial-march-and-mystery/2011/07/03/AGXNWywH_gallery.html
Also that summer, my parents felt it necessary to take us on a tour of the original 13 colonies.
source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jezevec/2800486248/

 We saw so many incredible things that year like: the Declaration of Independence, the Liberty Bell (which by the way we heard ring), the blessing of the boats at Boston Harbor, Gettysburg, and sat in the Senate. We even gave a coin from our state to the President, whom by the way, we also saw. (For those of you who do not know who that was at the time, it would have been President Gerald Ford)

President Ford ringing the Bicentenial Bell-source:http://americanhistory.about.com/od/geraldford/ig/President-Ford-Images/Ford-Rings-Bicentennial-Bell.htm        

We also saw tons of people from all over the world and got to commune with them in a way the United States will most likely not get to see again.

There are so many more things that we saw but so many things that it would be too long for this post. I still remember them to this day and I am still in awe of it.

~Naila Moon

PS> What took me so long to get this post up is that I was looking for the million photos that my Dad took that year. Unfortunately, I think they are buried in a box somewhere and are in the form of slides.