Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Snaps-week 8


Hello and Happy Saturday everyone.

If you are just landing here, you have managed to find Saturday Snaps hosted by me with the help of my blog  pal, Xmas Dolly.

This is the day that one of your photos from  the week before get featured on my blog and you get to show off what you have taken this week.

Is it your kids, the sunset, a store front, the snow?  Come on, show me what you got!

I usually show off my stuff first. I have had some problems this week so, I do not have as much.

Feb. 16th-Can't wait for Spring!

Feb. 17th-just some of my spices

Tamirisc caught off guard- 8 of 52

Me week 8 of 52

This weeks pick by random .org is Tamirisc. Congratulations!

Feb. 18, 19, 21, 22-missing photos due to camera issues

Now, it is your turn! Link up below and show us what is in your camera this week. Please only link url to the actual page.
Note: you do not have to be professional to show off your photos. We want to see them!
~Naila Moon


Rebecca said...

ill be right over for dinner if you cool with all those spices

XmasDolly said...

I have the same spices except except that lemon stuff. No likey lemon stuff!!! I'm a big fan of Spring too! Off to visit our other two peoples in the link. Already did the other one. :)

Adaptable Kay said...

What great snaps for the week! It's always fun seeing into someone else's world for a little bit :)

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Come on over Becca, I made soup tonight!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Thanks for coming by and look at you up there in the right corner. hee hee

My world is always here every week. :)