Sunday, April 5, 2015

E is for Excellent/ELO/Evanescence/En Vogue/Evolution/Easter/Easy #MondaysMusicMovesMe, #atozchallenge

It is Monday's Music once again and another full week for the A-Z Challenge. I am hailing from Missouri this week (not that you can tell any difference) and still winding down after a whirlwind Easter! So, since I will be chasing a two year old around all day. I am going to make this post quick and easy.

As you can plainly see by now the letter is is the topic for today so, all my songs will be by musicians who start with the letter E.  It's a freebie day, I can do this, it is allowed. SO, let's get on to this most excellent music! LOL

FIRST UP:Evanescence

Next up: ELO

Finally: En Vogue

BONUS: Evolution of Dance!


stevebethere said...

Great selections Naila nothing robotic here ;-) I lurrrve ELO & LMAO @ the last one :-)

Hope you had an eggtastic Easter :-)

S. L. Hennessy said...

ELO!!! Nice choice. ANd I love the evolution of dance bonus. Awesome.

Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

Guilie Castillo said...

Wow... That ELO song brought the coolest memories! (Yes, I'm that old :D ) Thanks for the blast from the past!
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

Catch My Words said...

Great picks brought to us by the letter E. Good luck with the challenge. I did it for the last three years but decided "enough already" this year.

XmasDolly said...

I think your best one was the Evolution of Dance. Fantastic! LOL Totally loved it. SOUL SISTA YOU ROCK! Great pickin's for E woo hoo

Cathy Kennedy said...

High ENERGY rocks! Totally love your "E" tunes! You're electric, girlfriend! ;)

Colette S said...

I love how you mixed the challenge with the music!
Thanks for rocking woman!