Wednesday, April 25, 2012


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I have a love for books.  A love so deep and wide that I remember as a child having volumes laying around waiting to be caressed.

My Mom, a teacher and my Dad, a newspaperman, knew the value of reading and writing and passed those ideas on to us.  We were always encouraged to read books and to take care of them. We all had our own library cards and checked out books all the time.

More than that, we had our very own library in our home. Our home technically would have been a four bedroom house but one of the rooms was dedicated as a 'library' that we had free reign in.

The room was small but housed a piano with a large collection of records and also volumes of books. All the books were randomly put on the shelves for us to peruse. This was interesting considering my Mom's penchant for organization. The room was flooded with natural lighting, perfect for reading.

It was not unlike me to go in this room, that we fondly called 'the library', and run my fingers throughout the old books looking for something to read. Even though that fact is true, I also had my own mini library in my room.

Books like, "The Nancy Drew Series", "The Hardy Boys", "Little Women" and "Alice In Wonderland" could all be found in my collections. Years later I would lose this collection to some unforeseen circumstances. I still lament over their loss but my  memory of them remains with me as if I still hold them in my hands.

I was lucky.

Do you have a favorite book? Did you have a library in your home? Do you now?  Tell me about it.
~Naila Moon

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